141st survey report for February 2025 data has been uploaded. Data submission for the next survey (for March 2025) will commence from 1st April 2025


Raw material cost (RMC) and yarn selling price (YSP) are the two major external factors, which largely influence the commercial efficiency of a spinning mill. Inter-mill data on count-wise YSP and corresponding RMC are very useful to the mills for decision making. For an individual mill, the above data would not only be helpful to know its position in the market when compared to its competitors, but also to know the trend in the prices over a period of time.

In April 2013, SITRA had commenced a new monthly online survey of RMC and YSP. It has successfully completed 141 studies (April 2013 to February 2025) with the overwhelming participation of as many as around 70 mills, from different parts of the country.


  • To help mills to compare their RMC, YSP, Net out-put value (NOV) as well as yarn quality (pertaining to 10 counts in each mill) with other mills every month.
  • To give vital information about the trend in the movement of count-wise YSP and RMC between months (for popular counts).


Yarn manufacturing mills (both spinning and composite units) working in INDIA, interested to participate in the online survey, should send a request by registering through this web portal. After checking the information entered by the mills, they will be registered. Once registered, for each mill a separate user id. and a password will be generated and sent to their registered e-mail address. By using their user id. and password, the mills can submit count-wise average RMC, YSP, yarn quality, yarn realisation and production per spindle, data of a particular month (pertaining to 10 counts) between 1st to 7th of the following month. For instance, for April month data, 1st to 7th May is the data submission period. Till 7th midnight, the participant mills can enter the data and edit the same if required. But, once the last date is over (7th midnight), the web portal will not accept the data.

Then, all the data will be scrutinised, analysed and grouped count-wise. Around 300 different counts and varieties of yarns are being covered in each study. A survey report (in pdf) covering the data of all the participating mills on count-wise YSP and corresponding RMC, NOV, yarn quality, yarn realisation and production per spindle, will be generated within 2 weeks after the last date, i.e. not later than 21st of every month. Once the report is generated, it will be uploaded in our web portal and each participant will be intimated through their registered e-mail. Besides, data base supported queries as well as trends in the movement of average YSP and RMC of popular counts will also be uploaded every month. The mills can access this information after entering their user id. and password. The study will be done on a continual basis every month.


Once registered, an intimation mail will be sent to the mills to their registered e-mail address regarding the procedure for payment of fees. On receipt of the payment, the mills will be permitted to participate in the study.